
Part blog, part personal kb with technical notes useful mostly for me.







My interests have always been wide-ranging, but at the moment I'm geeking out on these things:

This Site

circuit logo

I built this site mainly for myself, to document the experiments and side-projects that I work on in my free time. I work professionally in tech and have a background in software engineering, and in my freetime I enjoy learning languages, tools and technologies that I may not get to use in my job.

Documenting my learning serves a few purposes. The act of taking notes helps my brain process the information. By taking the time to publish the information here, maybe my notes can be helpful to other people as well (just as I've learned from blog posts and tutorials along the way). Finally, by taking the time to document the information I've given myself a set of project notes that I can refer to the next time I forget.

The site is built using Zola, a static site generator built in Rust by Vincent Prouillet and other contributors. Where possible, I try to provide a link to Github repositories for any code I'm referencing, and you should follow the license found in those repos. [Link to License Page TBD]

What I'm Reading

Cover image of The Linux Command Line (Book)
The Linux Command Line by William Shotts
Cover image of The Rust Programming Language
The Rust Programming Language by Steve Klabnik, Carol Nichols & the Rust Community
Beginning x64 Assembly Programming by Jo Van Hoey
Beginning x64 Assembly Programming by Jo Van Hoey
Make: AVR Programming by Elliot Williams
Make: AVR Programming by Elliot Williams
Linux System Programming by Robert Love
Linux System Programming by Robert Love