Bye, Cloudflare Pages

Date: 2022-08-28
categories: opinions;

There's been a lot of hubbub this week regarding Cloudflare refusing to take down a site that's being used to coordinate harassment and terrorism of people. The site in question represents the worst of the internet and nobody else is willing to do business with them. Cloudflare is wrong to protect them and I hope they will make a different decision. In the meantime, I'd rather not do any business with them if I can help it. Although I recently recommended using them at work, I'll be advocating for alternatives in the future.

Today I moved this site to Gitlab Pages in protest. Moving my little site off of Cloudflare isn't going to make a bit of difference to them, but it matters to me.

This is my first time using Gitlab in any meaningful way, and the experience was good. I use Github extensively for work, and wanted to try out the major open source competitor. Since this is a tidy little site created with the Zola static site builder, it was just a matter of minutes to get it set up with a handy CI build. I probably spent more time reading the docs than doing the migration.